Dairy Waste Systems
The Tri-Bar Weep Wall System is the most cost-effective, solid-liquid separation solution, offering a long-lasting, maintenance free alternative for dairies of any size or location.
Manure management made simple
Tri-Bar Weep Wall System
The Tri-Bar Weep Wall system is a simple, manure management system that separates solids and liquids by using gravity rather than machinery. The system consists of two basins constructed of concrete separated by a drainage channel. At each side of the drainage channel are Tri-Bar galvanized steel panels.
How do Tri-Bar Weep Walls work?
When manure is added to a basin, liquids drain through the Tri-Bar Weep Walls into the drainage channel, while retaining solids in the basin. Having two basins allow a filled basin to drain and dry while the other is being filled. The consistency of the solids is dry enough to allow removal with a skid steer or loader. The solids from the basin can then be recycled as bedding, soil amendments, or marketed for additional income.
Whether you are expanding, building, remodeling or upgrading, Tri-Bar Weep Walls are the most cost-effective system for your dairy operation. Other systems are major contributors to energy use on the farm. Tri-Bar Weep Walls do not require additional energy, equipment or labor. Very low cost to operate. Gravity does the work for you. In addition to startup costs, most manure separation systems require maintenance, repair, and training for employees to operate the system. With the Tri-Bar Weep Wall system, there are no mechanical parts to upkeep. Maintenance is very low. The Tri-Bar Weep Wall System effectively removes 60% and, in some cases, up to 85% of total solids, compared to 20-40% with most conventional screen type mechanical separators. There is also a greater separation of fine solids, up to 70% of sand can be recovered.
If you want a low maintenance and a money saving system, go with the Tri-Bar Weep Wall system...
M.A. of Idaho
✔ Flexibility
Using Tri-Bar weep walls, manure does not have to be hauled daily or weekly. Depending on weather conditions it can be hauled monthly or quarterly giving you more time to manage your herd. Land application of manure is planned, not demanded. You decide when to haul the manure, freeing up your time to perform other functions.
✔ Used in dairies of any size or location
Our systems have been installed and successfully managed manure for herds from 20 to 20,000 cows in over 17 states as well as other countries.
✔ Provides valuable soil amendment
With our system you can plan land application as you would any fertilizer application. Consider manure to be an additional resource instead of waste.
✔ High quality
The Tri-Bar panels are made of 3/8” triangle shaped steel bars with a 3/8” opening,which reduce plugged holes. The panels are hot dip galvanized on site, in our state-of-the-art galvanizing facility.
Weep Wall Basic Layout
- Water can travel a maximum length of 40’, meaning the maximum distance between weep walls is 80’. The most common width is 72’ as seen in the drawing above.
- From the center of the basin to each weep wall, we recommend a 1-2% slope.
- Always have at least 2 basins; 1 to fill and 1 to dry the manure.
- Weep Wall panels are the retaining wall. Fibers in the manure are the filter.
- Liquid drains into the channels and then on to the lagoon.
- The lagoon water can be used to flush buildings.
- The manure needs to be dry enough to be able to be loaded with a skid loader.
- Basins located in cold climate states need to be emptied before the first snowfall to make sure there is enough basin storage over the cold months.
The Weep Wall is a very simple system that works...
J.D. of California.